Monday, 29 July 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 25

I am catching up slowly, only 4 more weeks to go. I'm so grateful for recording key events in my project life book.

Week 25 has come together nicely.

The weather has been so nice these past couple of weeks. We are totally enjoying eating tea outside in the evenings and a few ice cream treats too.

On Saturday in readiness for the Family Notts Bike Ride, it was cold, dark and raining!!!! But this didn't stop the boys. I want to give both of my boys loads of praise for raising £250 for the 3 charities involved. Well Done to you both and for riding the 10.5 miles. I wonder what the next challenge will be for you? (After taking the picture of page 1 I've moved the top right photo and switched it with the bottom right. It looks more even now).

Sunday was also about spending time playing with Grace and celebrating Granny's birthday.

Useful facts of the week........My week goes from Monday to Sunday, this week: 17th June 2013 to 23rd June.

I'm using a combination of:

Camera phone and Canon Isis 115 camera.  Ratio: 6:9 (another week for the old camera).
Tesco printed photos v Epson home printing.
I'm using Project Life Album by Becky Higgins and Page Protectors 
I'm using a freebie by Miss Tina this is a newbie and I was really pleased as it was perfect for this week.. Thanks for sharing!

Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Thank you for looking. x

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 24

I love action packed weeks and Week 24 was just that!

Monday is Beaver Night, and the kids were painting their homemade robot's. Tom is very proud of his and couldn't bring himself to paint it. It is now being used as a moneybox.

Tuesday saw Tom's school (Fir) class perform their class assembly. It showcased a lot of their work and knowledge they had gained over the past year in class. Tom has a part at the beginning welcoming us to their assembly. He looked very proud. He also loved learning the songs.

Wednesday saw them off to the Nottingham Tennis Centre for coaching. They came home very proud of their new racquets and balls.

Thursday we enjoyed Cornflake Tart for pudding. It's not something I would buy in a restaurant, but it's one of the Nottingham puddings/traditions that I am getting used to.

Friday was Thomas's friend Jessica's 5th birthday. Another sunny day saw us enjoying a BBQ with our friends.

Saturday included a bit of hanging out and housework at home while the boys went on a bike ride.

Sunday was Fathers Day. Phil has breakfast in bed, followed by Geochacing in Arnold. We found a few, but some were very difficult to find - we will go back soon and try again. Lots of fun. :)

My favourite picture of the week is the daddy and son hug on Fathers Day. I love the fact that Toms favourite cuddly toy is also in the picture.
My other favourite picture was of the blue tit's nesting in our house. We had seen them on the bird table and fence but they are very nervous birds. To get the photos I spent an hour hiding under our washing line, waiting patiently. I wonder how many babies they had?

Useful facts of the week........My week goes from Monday to Sunday, this week: 10th June 2013 to 17th June.
I'm using a combination of:
Camera phone and Canon Isis 115 camera.  Ratio: 6:9 (another week for the old camera).
Tesco printed photos v Epson home printing.
I'm using Project Life Album by Becky Higgins and Page Protectors A
I also used a freebie card from A Vegas Girl at Heart which I wrote the key bits about the week on. Thanks for sharing!
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Thank you for looking. x

Friday, 26 July 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 23

Another week completed I am catching up slowly.

Week 23 saw the official start of Summer - our first BBQ and evening meal enjoyed outside on the patio. Days just don't get much better than this. Our week was pretty normal - we are just enjoying more sunshine. At the moment I'm also loving the flowers and baby birds in the garden.

Week 23 double page

Page 1 - BBQ Time

Page 2 - Saturday: Dukeries Rally, and
Sunday: A small walk followed by a rare relaxing in the garden.
Useful facts of the week........
My week goes from Monday to Sunday, this week: 3rd June 2013 to 9th June.
I'm using a combination of:
Camera phone and Canon Isis 115 camera.  Ratio: 3:10 (another week for the old camera).
Tesco printed photos v Epson home printing.
I'm using Project Life Album by Becky Higgins and Page Protectors A
I also used a freebie card from Crashnotes, and the June month card was from Leslie Miller. Thanks for sharing!
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Thank you for looking. x


Monday, 22 July 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 22

It's the May Half Term holidays. We had so much fun in Norfolk camping this year it was really, really hard picking out my favourite pictures from each day. I have included a little picture and some writing about each different adventure.

Monday was Bank Holiday so we headed to the beach at Wells next the Sea.
Tuesday was the first cloudy day, we but still had fun at Sherringham.
Wednesday our friends went home so we had a look around a wet Cromer before taking a 4 mile walk along the beach and back, then enjoying fish and chips on the seafront.
Thursday was geocaching, and a walk around the Felbrigg Hall National Trust estate.
Friday was a fun day at Thrigby Hall Zoo.
It a small wildlife park, but very friendly and no rushing around.
Tom loved the baby monkeys and was amazed by the size of the crocodiles.
Saturday was homeward bound where the weather was warm, so washing time.
Sunday was fun in the garden enjoying the sunshine again.
Tom also had his first game of kwik cricket which he loved.

I've included a page with leaflets like the campsite and Thrigby Hall, but I would be willing to take this out if my album gets too full.

Useful facts of the week........
My week goes from Monday to Sunday, this week: 27th May to 2nd June 2013.
I have managed to catch up on the last 3 weeks. See Week 20 & Week 21. I know I am behind but I am trying to give myself some time to try and catch up a little more. I even saw Tom having a look at the 3 weeks I've just completed and commentating on the photos.. That's when I know I am loving this. :) :)

I'm using a combination of:
  • Camera phone and Canon Isis 115 camera.  Ratio: 10:15 (more Canon photos this week due to being on holiday. Have you noticed the duplicate. I will replace the 4x6 photos as soon as I've got some more pictures developed in Tesco's!!
  • Tesco printed photos v Epson home printing.
  • I'm using Project Life Album by Becky Higgins and Page Protectors A

I will be posting a link on The Mom Creative website this week Tuesday 23rd July. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Thank you for looking. x

Project Life 2013: Week 21

Half Term holidays start this week - so lets go.

Page 1 shows that spring has arrived. Tom has a sleep over at school,
but comes home early as he doesn't want to leave his mummy and daddy alone at home.
Our new camping mattress arrives - it's fab. :) 

Page 2 is the start of our holidays - yehhhhh.
Saturday is spent travelling to the campsite in Norfolk (Woodhill Park near Cromer) and exploring the area. There is something special about spending time at the beach watching the waves. I loved it on Saturday evening as the boys went running down to the beach. First they rolled up their trousers, then took them off all-together to jump the waves. Magic.
Sunday was a day in Great Yarmouth and the beach. We even found a local park, the kids loved exploring the different play equipment.
For tea we enjoyed a lovely BBQ back at the campsite.

When the sun set the views over the campsite was lovely.  Me and Phil came here about 10 years ago and we would definitely come back again.

Project Life 2013: Week 20

Week 20 fun and activities....

Page 1 shows a bit of the day to day. I especially love the Granny Moore cuddle.
Despite the lovely sunshine, a few heavy rain showers were about.

Page 2 shows us yet another busy weekend. I loved celebrating my friends
40th birthday, where does the time go?
Phil also visited Liverpool for the day on Sunday while Tom and I finished off homework.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 19

What a nightmare, I've got some photos printed from Tesco. However I've managed to miss this week out completely.

I will have to come back and complete this week a bit later :( frustrating for me when I tend to work in a chronological order. Here's my sketch layout for now....


Project Life 2013: Catchup

Well I'm over 2 months behind. Where does the time go??
We've had some nice adventures over the time and I'm going to try and document them as good as I can.

I've got some of the 4x6 photos developed, so I just need to fill in the gaps....wish me luck.