Sunday, 30 December 2012

December Diary -Day 29

Its been raining again today :(
So while Phil is at work, Nigel, Toms friend and family to watch Madagasta 3 at the Cinema. We stppped by McDonalds for a naughty but nice lunch.

For tea we enjoy a leftover buffet before snuggling down to watch National Treasure.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

December Diary - Day 28 - Friday

Uncle Nigel has stayed over so Tom and him build Tom's new Lego Police Station. I get some valuable December Diary time and catching up with missed days. I even get to collate the diary and get it on the ring holders.

After lunch we take a walk to blow away the cobwebs to mill-lakes. We enjoy tea at the Castlewood pub off junction 28 as its fish and chip shop evening.

December Diary - Day 27

Phil is back at work today, so Tom and I have a lie-in bed.

We have family and friends come to visit in the afternoon. Uncle Nigel brings more presents and so does Aunty Jacqui. Tom thinks this is great. Dad & Ann stop by and Phil cooks a lovely tea. We sit and chill for the evening catching up with xmas news. This is what crimbo is about impromptu get-togethers. x

Friday, 28 December 2012

December Diary - Day 26 - Boxing Day

The family all go their separate ways home and with the sun shinning we head out to a local Rufford Park to enjoy breakfast and a walk around the abbey and lake.

We arrive home and Phil cleans the car. We spend the rest of the afternoon playing with Tom's new Christmas Presents, and watching the Disney Film Enchanted. Tom was memorised - magical.


(Diary Page to follow)

December Daily - Day 25 - Xmas Day

Christmas Day is here - yippee.

With family staying over we are all sleeping in different beds. I go to wake Tom up and his first words are "Has Santa arrived yet" His face is a picture when he sees all the presents under the tree. Its fantastic, he's so excited.

With all the family around there are lots of presents to open. Both Tom and Grace love it.

We enjoy a family dinner before settling down to watch the Snowman and Arthur Christmas.
After opening more presents with Great Gran we enjoy a buffet tea. After the kids are tucked up into bed we play another round of Logo's and Scattergories.

Merry Christmas Everyone x x
(Diary page to follow).

December Daily - Day 24 - Monday

Who can believe that it's Christmas eve already.
Its raining again today, so we stay in and play board games, and games on the wii.

We also follow Santa on Norad.

Family arrives and we enjoy Chinese for tea. We settle down with the Elf's early delivery of new Christmas PJ's and Books. The kids were very excited.

With the kids in bed we settle down and play the Logo's boardgame. I wonder what time Santa with arrive? Sweet Dreams. x
(Diary page to follow)


December Daily - Day 23 - Sunday

The days are zooming past, and today was as action packed as the rest

We had friends come to visit, and after a light lunch we head into Notts to the ice arena to watch a local production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The kids loved it and followed the story in amazement. (only laughing when people fell over). For tea we headed off to the Harvester. Fab Day x

 (Ive included my ticket too)

December Daily - Day 22

Today was wet, cold and grey. We decided to spend the day cleaning, washing and tiding-up to get ready for our xmas guests. Tom played all day, and even took time out to post xmas cards to our local neighbours (in the rain).

While ironing we even got to watch the Christmas Carol movie with Patrick Stewart in. fab. x

December Daily - Day 21 - Friday

Its the last day of work and School today before the festivities begin. woohoo.
Toms picture was taken at the before school club he goes to. Im sure I took the same photo last year. I will print it out for my Diary Page. x

Thursday, 20 December 2012

December Daily - Day 20 - Thursday

Today has been cold and very very wet. Tom had the chance to go into school in non-uniform. This was the first time he put thought and attention into what he was wearing. We even had tears when the t-shirt he wanted was in the wash. Is this what we can expect in the years to come?!? Luckily Tom didn't mind posing for a photo.
I guess he's not too grown up yet.

December Daily - Day 19

Philip bought Tom and I tickets for coffee, mince pie and the chance to meet Santa at John Lewis after school/work. It was great. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, and Santa came around to every table to have a chat. Tom was very pleased when Santa gave everyone an early Christmas present. Special Memories are days like these.

(Diary Page to Follow).

December Daily - Day 18 - Tuesday

Tuesday is about a little time for me. Phil was working late, so Tom and I made tea, chilled out and watched Scooby Doo. After Toms bedtime I had a little me-time catching up with my Diary. Im loving it again this year and im a little proud that im not too far behind. And its true, Good Mums have sticky floors, dirty floors, and Happy Kids. x

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

December Daily - Day 17

Work, then chilling at home is always a nice start to the week. Phil has put up the lights for the street to see. At bedtime me and Tom settle down for Xmas stories. Fab x

December Daily - Day 16 - Sunday

Today I went back to Leamington to meet up with my family and remember mum. It was so lovely to catch up with everyone, have a giggle and a lovely meal at Seasons Restaurant.
I have left room under the photo to write some memories about the day. x

Sunday, 16 December 2012

December Daily - Day 15

It Geoffs' birthday today. After a day clearing and pottering in the house, we head to Loughborough to meet at the harvester for tea. It was lovely catching up as we don't all get-together often. Celebrated in style with cake and candles - magic.

Friday, 14 December 2012

December Daily - Day 14 - Friday

Phil has been waiting for tonight all week.

For everyone who knows the ..... Holidays are coming....Holidays are coming ... coke cola song, the lorry was in our nearby Tesco tonight. So in the pouring freezing rain we joined a couple of friends to go and take a look. It was brilliant.

When this page is finished - can you believe it will probably be the first page where Phil makes an appearance. Where have you been hiding for the past 14 days????? It's very unusual for me to be in more photos than you!

December Daily - 13

For the past couple of days Tom and I have been creating this year's family xmas cards. I got the idea from work, and I think they have turned out really well. It has took some work but I know Tom is even pleased with the end result.

I will wait and post a picture and the blog in a couple of days after the postman has been ;).

December Daily - 12 - Wednesday

Today was Tom's Nativity called Bethlehem Baby. The children in Year 4 preformed in the Nativity while Tom and his class in Y3 (Y5+Y6 too) sang the songs. It was very well preformed by all the children. I'm really pleased I went.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

December Daily - Day 11

Baby its cold outside brrrrrrrr.

Not sure why my photos are not loading correctly, I will try and correct this tomorrow, grrrr how frustrating. However, so far so good, I am really pleased that I am keeping this upto date. Only the 2 days over the weekend to catch up on!!!

December Daily - Day 10 - Monday

Blimey where has that first week gone already. Today its been work as usual, but ive also been thinking about the all important xmas shopping too. There is still so much to do. I nip out to hobbycraft at lunch, followed by more on-line shopping when i get home from work. Just as Tom is off to bed there is a knock at the door, and who should appear but Santa on his Sleigh. Phil said i was more excited than tom, and kept shouting, over here. Tom got his wave and some chocolate too.

December Daily -Day 9

Had a fun filled day chilling at Pams. We even got to watch Polar Express. Photos and page to follow.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

December Daily - Day 8 - Saturday

Had a lovely fun filled day.
The day starts with Tom opening his lego advent calendar.
We enjoy a day at Twin Lakes and a trip to see Santa.
The evening is filled with lovely food from Aunty Pams House.

Days like this are great. x

Friday, 7 December 2012

December Daily - Day 7

I'm trying to keep this easy this year, and record more of the detail. Tom has his childhood friend to tea, Chatlotte. And well, I catch up with mum Karen with a cuppa. He he x
I may even have encouraged another person to take up the December Daily bug.... fingers crossed.

Not sure why my photo is upside down :( :( :(

December Daily - Day 6 - Thurs

Work and school, followed by chilling at home = priceless memories. (page is upside down, and ive still lost my day numbers, doh!!)

December Daily - Day 5

It was the christmas light turn-on in Hucknall tonight. Tom was on parade with the beavers, and they all had fun. Tom even got to say hello to Santa. We enjoyed eating pipping hot chips on the way home.

Page to follow.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

December Daily - Day 4 - Tuesday

I love putting up tree, we all do. Tom reminds us both of a couple of years ago when i fell through the stool putting the star on top. I think that may be why its lost the top of it lol.

December Daily - Day 3

Day 3 - I thought i would keep it simple after a busy weekend. We are back at work, Tom at school then Beavers, Phil weekly shopping. He brings me a princess advent calendar. Its like being a kid all over again. I love my husband. x

I have managed to miss-place my numbers already. I will stick them on when I do, or print out some new ones. :)

Monday, 3 December 2012

December Daily - Day 2 - Sunday

What a fun filled day we had, I think we were all very excited.

I'm going to try a few different techniques and today it was using the website pic monkey  to create collages. My story today was going to be a long one so i've also included an insert of the adventures. Tom was very well behaved in a very busy Meadowhall in Sheffield.

My favourite picture and one that I know will come back out over the years to come is the one with Santa, Tom and all 3 sisters. You can see the excitement in all our eyes. Its not everyday you get to see Santa now is it?

Sunday, 2 December 2012

December Daily - Day 1 - Saturday

Day 1 was a great start. Phil was at work, Tom comes running into the bedroom after finding his advent calendar. It took tom ages to find no1. You love reading all the packet. After breakfast its a 2 hour trip to the hairdressers. Tom sits lovely, writing xmas cards, reading, then playing on your DS. As we walk back to the car we enjoy streaming hot chips in a cone. Ive started a new job this autumn, and this evening was the xmas night out. We enjoyed a lovely meal at Browns in Nottingham. The food and company was great. I even got bought a very hot alcoholic shot as a welcome to the team. What a great first day in December!!!!

My second year at the December Daily - thanks to Ali Edwards for her inspiration. I love this challenge its amazing. x x x

Saturday, 1 December 2012

December Daily - Sat 1st

Yehhhh the 1st of December has arrived. I cant wait to start my December Diary. Thanks to Ali Edwards for the inspiration again. I sat down in the week and ive just finished completing my blank pages. ive tried to keep it simpler this year to help save time.

Today has been filled with Advent Calendars, hair cut, and works night out. Off to bed now, roll on tomorrow. x